California Supply Chain

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (the “Act”) requires certain retailers and manufacturers doing business in California to disclose their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains.

The purpose of the Act is to increase public awareness on a company’s efforts to eliminate slavery and human trafficking, allowing consumers to make an informed decision on the products they purchase and the companies they choose to support.

BZ Defense is committed to conducting business in a lawful and ethical manner and we place the same expectation on our suppliers. We believe that workers have the right to freely choose where they work and be treated with dignity and respect. We will only do business with suppliers who share this belief. Our efforts to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not used in the production of our products include the following:

Verification and Evaluation of our Supply Chain

BZ Defense purchase from suppliers located in the United States and in foreign countries. We generally verify their supply chains by doing business with suppliers that are well-established, reputable organizations that respect the legal requirements of the jurisdictions in which they operate. The suppliers typically have formal business conduct or similar policies, which we review to ensure that they are consistent with BZ Defense policies. We believe that their suppliers do not engage in illegal slavery or human trafficking, but we do not otherwise engage in verification of product supply chains to evaluate and address the risks of slavery or human trafficking.


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